New Jersey Addiction Resources

The NJ Addiction Resources we recommend prescribe safe comfort medications that reduce and eliminate cravings and physical discomfort. A person cannot safely and effectively detox from drugs and alcohol alone. The likelihood of failure and relapse is very high without medical supervision. All the detox centers we advocate for are overseen by a state licensed medical staff that includes doctors, psychiatrists, and counselors. Each client is prescribed medications to lower their discomfort which helps increase their desire to remain clean and sober. If you are in need of NJ Addiction Resources, we can guide you to a full and lasting recovery from addiction.
Residential Treatment
The next step following a medically supervised detox is admission into an inpatient treatment program. For a successful course of substance abuse treatment, the amount of time a person must be able to commit to lasts from 30 to 90 days. The inpatient addiction treatment programs that are available in New Jersey utilize science-based methods as a program for recovery. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, individual counseling, and group counseling are standard components in quality substance abuse treatment. The programs we recommend also have specific dual diagnosis programs for people that also have mental health diagnosis along with chemical dependency or alcoholism.
Intensive Outpatient
For persons who cannot attend a residential inpatient treatment program, the recommended level of care is an intensive outpatient programcommonly referred to as IOP. The IOP programs utilize the exact same formats and methods for treatment that residential treatment programs offer. The difference is that the client is expected to attend treatment during the day but can return home each night. IOP treatment programs have a high success rate for people who cannot attend residential treatment. At the IOP center, most clients complete their treatment program within 90 days.
Sober Living
Once a person completes their residential treatment program or their IOP program, it is highly recommended that they further their treatment at a New Jersey sober living residence. Sober living homes offer further support that is essential for all newly recovering addicts and alcoholics. The very valuable support, structure, and guidance that comes from living in a transitional home for several months after residential treatment raises the chances for a full long-term recovery.

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